Swimming Pool / Spa
Inspection Report

Linn County Public Health
1020 - 6th Street SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: (319) 892-6000 Fax: (319) 892-6099
E-mail: health@linncountyiowa.gov
  Facility Name: Fairfield Inns & Suites
Address: 605 32nd Ave SW
Cedar Rapids, IA  52404
Person Contacted: Gloria Smith
Title: General Manager
Registration No: SP57-111-100 \ SP57-111-101
Type: Routine

Water Quality Information
Name: Indoor Pool < 1500 sq ft Indoor Spa
Registration No: SP57-111-100 SP57-111-101
Area (Sq. ft.): 273 52
Volume (Gallons): 7549 909
Filter Type: Sand Sand
Filter Rate:
Turnover Rate:
Chlorine (Free): 3.6 2.8
ORP: 7.4 / 3.2 7.4 / 3.8
Pool: 1-8ppm, ORP 700-880 mV
If less than 0.6ppm or greater than 8.0ppm = closure
Spa: 2-8 ppm ORP 700-880 mV
If less than 1.0ppm or greater than 8.0ppm = closure
Chlorine (Total): 4.2 3.4
Chlorine (Combined): 0.6 0.6
Bromine: NA NA
Pool: 2-18ppm Spa: 4-18ppm
Cyanuric Acid: NA NA
Must be less than 80 ppm
pH: 7.4 7.4
Pool and Spa: 7.2ppm-7.8ppm
If less than 6.8 or greater than 8.2 = closure
Total Alkalinity: 40 80
Calcium Hardness: 330 420


Water Quality Information (continued)
Name: Indoor Pool < 1500 sq ft Indoor Spa
Registration No: SP57-111-100 SP57-111-101
Temperature (F): 82.6 101.6
Spa must not exceed 104°
Type of Disinfectant: Chlorine Chlorine
Disinfection make and model: EcoLab AB 300 HYPO 1030 EcoLab AB 300 HYPO 1030
Drain Cover make and model: Aquastar Aquastar
Drain Cover exp. date: 7/17/2022 7/17/2022
CPO exp. date:

Smoke Free Air Act
1. Facility in compliance with smoking ban?
( If no, complete complaint form )

Notes: Routine inspection today. GM is not in today, but I went over violations with Markeisha who verbalized understanding. I am emailing this report to GM for review.
Gloria, please email a letter of correction stating how the violations listed below have been and/or will be corrected to diane.midcalf@linncountyiowa.gov within 30 days of this inspection. Please prioritize 1, 3, and 8.

# Section Reference Ref. Page
1) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.4(6)a 23
Spa: 15.51(5)a 16
  Item: Certified Pool Operator required
  Comment: Please try to get someone signed up for a class this month. There is one in Dubuque and one in Cedar Falls.
2) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.4(6)f(6) 24
Spa: 15:51(5)e(8) 17
  Item: Monthly ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) shall be included in Operational Records
3) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.4(2)e 8
  Item: The disinfectant and pH in the pool water shall be manually tested or the ORP and pH of the swimming pool water shall be visually read and documented each day within one-half hour of the swimming pool opening, and at intervals not to exceed four hours thereafter until the swimming pool closes for the day. Visual ORP and pH in lieu of some of the manual tests are sufficient, but the swimming pool water shall be tested manually for disinfectant and pH at least twice per day. When manual tests are done, the manual test results and the visual readings for the ORP and pH shall be recorded.
  Comment: Manual test should be done prior to opening the pool each day and one other time throughout the day for the pool and the spa. The ORP and PPM should be read prior to opening the pool (7am) each day and every 4 hours thereafter. The ORP and PPM should be read prior to opening the spa (7am) each day and every 2 hours thereafter. All of those results should be documented in the pool/spa water logs.
4) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.4(2)e 8
  Item: The swimming pool and/or spa water shall be tested for total alkalinity at least once in each week that they are open for use. The swimming pool and/or spa shall be tested for calcium hardness at least once in each month that they are open for use
5) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.4(2)e 8
  Item: At least once in each month that a swimming pool and/or spa is open for use, the facility management shall submit a sample of the water(s) to a laboratory certified by the department of natural resources to be analyzed for total coliform (and pseudomonas in spas only)..
  Comment: I showed Markeisha the folder and instructions on how to do this. If she has questions, I know John knows how to do it, or she can always call me at 319-521-3066 and I will walk her through it.
6) Water Quality Spa: 15.51(3)b(2) 12
  Item: A spa containing 500 gal of water or less shall be drained once a week, a spa over 500 gal to 2000 gal shall be drained once every 2 weeks, and a spa over 2000 gal shall be drained once every 3 weeks
  Comment: Be sure to document this on the pool log sheets
7) Safety Pool: 15.4(4)f(6) 18
Spa: 15.51(4)d 13
  Item: Swimming pools where lifeguards are not provided shall have a designated emergency phone and shall be available to users of swimming pools when the swimming pool is open. When the telephone is not within the confines of the swimming pool, the location of the emergency telephone shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the swimming pool enclosure. Instructions for emergency use of the telephone shall be posted near the telephone.
  Comment: Replace existing non working phone
8) Safety Pool: 15.4(4)h 18 and 19
  Item: All drains shall be VGB compliant and within their life expectancy date
  Comment: Yours expired 7/20/2022. Replace this week.
9) Safety Pool: 15.4(6)k 25
Spa: 15.51(5)i 18
  Item: Each member of staff shall sign off that they have reviewed SDS sheets along with the Emergency Action Plan annually.
  Comment: I left an example sign-off sheet at your front desk.
  Name   Date
Inspector: Inspection:
Report Received By: Received:
Reviewed By: Reviewed:

These items must be corrected as soon as possible in order to comply with the Iowa Department of Public Health Swimming Pool and Spa Rules. A letter regarding the actions which will be taken in order to correct all deficiencies must be submitted within 30 days to this office. If for any reason you take issue with any of the items cited regarding swimming pool rules, a variance can be requested by following the instructions in the Iowa Department of Public Health Swimming Pools manual, amended July 8th, 2009, page 57, section 641-15.7 (135I). Variance requests regarding spa rules must be made in compliance with the instructions in the Iowa Department of Public Health Spa manual, revised July 8th, 2009, page 32, section 641-15.7 (135I).