Swimming Pool / Spa
Inspection Report

Linn County Public Health
1020 - 6th Street SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: (319) 892-6000 Fax: (319) 892-6099
E-mail: health@linncountyiowa.gov
  Facility Name: Hampton Inn & Suites - North
Address: 1130 Park Place NE
Cedar Rapids, IA  52402
Person Contacted: Kirk
Title: CPO
Registration No: SP57-109-100 \ SP57-109-101
Type: Routine

Water Quality Information
Name: Indoor Pool < 1500 sq ft Indoor Spa
Registration No: SP57-109-100 SP57-109-101
Area (Sq. ft.): 499 64
Volume (Gallons): 15260 1000
Filter Type: Sand
Filter Rate:
Turnover Rate:
Chlorine (Free): 1.2
ORP: 694
Pool: 1-8ppm, ORP 700-880 mV
If less than 0.6ppm or greater than 8.0ppm = closure
Spa: 2-8 ppm ORP 700-880 mV
If less than 1.0ppm or greater than 8.0ppm = closure
Chlorine (Total): 1.4
Chlorine (Combined): 0.2
Bromine: NA
Pool: 2-18ppm Spa: 4-18ppm
Cyanuric Acid: NA
Must be less than 80 ppm
pH: 7.4
Pool and Spa: 7.2ppm-7.8ppm
If less than 6.8 or greater than 8.2 = closure
Total Alkalinity: 80
Calcium Hardness: 450


Water Quality Information (continued)
Name: Indoor Pool < 1500 sq ft Indoor Spa
Registration No: SP57-109-100 SP57-109-101
Temperature (F): 79.8
Spa must not exceed 104°
Type of Disinfectant: Chlorine
Disinfection make and model: EcoLab All in one CalHypo 1030
Drain Cover make and model: Aquastar A10RCFR
Drain Cover exp. date: 04/24/2024
CPO exp. date:

Smoke Free Air Act
1. Facility in compliance with smoking ban?
( If no, complete complaint form )

Notes: Please review water testing procedures with non certified staff.

Please email a letter of correction stating how the violations listed below have been and/or will be corrected to diane.midcalf@linncounty.org within 30 days of this inspection.

# Section Reference Ref. Page
1) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.4(6)i 25
Spa: 15.51(5)g 18
  Item: A permanent manual of operation shall be kept in facility
  Comment: Pool Operating Manual Requirements binder needs updated. Remove spa info. Update testing procedures,, how to super-chlorinate, backwash instructions, keeping chemical feed system supplied, maintaining the controller sensors, copy of CPO certificate…
2) Management/Personnel Pool: 15.5(1) 20
Spa: 15.52(1) 54
  Item: No pool or spa shall be constructed or reconstructed without the owner or a designated representative of the owner first receiving a permit from the department. Construction shall be completed within 24 months from the date the construction permit is issued unless a written extension is granted by the department.
  Comment: Please provide proof of permit and final approval of the project that decommissioned the spa.
3) Safety Pool: 15.4(4)f(4) 17
  Item: A first-aid kit shall be equipped with: band-aids, sterile 4x4 bandage compress, self-adhering gauze bandage, disposable gloves, and a chemical cold press.
  Comment: Please condense and update first aid kit(s) to include all of these.
4) Safety Pool: 15.4(6)k 25
Spa: 15.51(5)i 18
  Item: Copies of MSDS sheets shall be available for employee review. Each member of staff shall review MSDS annually.
  Comment: Have all staff sign off on this now and annually thereafter.
5) Safety Pool: 15.4(6)l 13
Spa: 15.4(6)l 19
  Item: The facility management shall develop a written emergency plan. The emergency plan shall be reviewed with the facility staff at least once a year, and the dates of review or training shall be recorded in the pool records.
  Comment: Have all staff sign off on this now and annually thereafter.
  Name   Date
Inspector: Inspection:
Report Received By: Received:
Reviewed By: Reviewed:

These items must be corrected as soon as possible in order to comply with the Iowa Department of Public Health Swimming Pool and Spa Rules. A letter regarding the actions which will be taken in order to correct all deficiencies must be submitted within 30 days to this office. If for any reason you take issue with any of the items cited regarding swimming pool rules, a variance can be requested by following the instructions in the Iowa Department of Public Health Swimming Pools manual, amended July 8th, 2009, page 57, section 641-15.7 (135I). Variance requests regarding spa rules must be made in compliance with the instructions in the Iowa Department of Public Health Spa manual, revised July 8th, 2009, page 32, section 641-15.7 (135I).